Lewis Pugh

The Hudson River swim

Rivers and lakes support an extraordinary diversity of life yet are amongst the most degraded ecosystems globally. Wildlife populations in freshwater ecosystems are suffering losses greater than in any other habitat.

There will be irreversible change once critical thresholds are passed – we believe inaction is not an option. In August 2023, UNEP Patron of the Oceans Lewis Pugh swam the length of the Hudson River to call for the protection of our endangered waters.

The swim, in partnership with LGIM, was in the run-up to key global events, including UN General Assembly and Climate Week where Lewis urged the world’s leading decisionmakers to urgently tackle biodiversity loss.

*LGIM internal data as at 31 December 2020 and IPE 2021. The AUM disclosed aggregates the assets managed by LGIM in the UK, LGIMA in the US and LGIM Asia in Hong Kong. The AUM includes the value of securities and derivatives positions.

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