*Source: L&G internal data as at 30 June 2024. Includes assets from associates and is based on managed AUM, including £1.5bn from multi-asset strategies.
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Introducing the Multi-Index fund range and the philosophy that underpins them
Investment approach
We have built this service on the five pillars of multi-asset investing that we believe are the driving forces that help us deliver your clients’ objectives.
Investment approach
Meet the Multi-Index team

Andrzej Pioch

Francis Chua

Aristide Goualin

Isabella Hughes

Simone Nascimento

Niah Myers
Our Multi-Index fund managers are responsible for managing the Multi-Index fund range. They are part of the Asset Allocation team at LGIM. This team comprises highly-skilled specialists from many disciplines including economists, investment strategists and fund managers who work together to monitor market cycles and the mix of the portfolios, combining robust risk mitigation and strategic asset allocation.
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Kyle Goodfellow
Key risks
The value of any investment and any income taken from it is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up, and investors may get back less than the amount originally invested. The risks associated with each fund or investment strategy should be read and understood before making any investment decisions. Further information on the risks of investing is available from LGIM’s Fund Centres.
While LGIM has integrated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into its investment decision-making and stewardship practices, this does not guarantee the achievement of responsible investing goals within funds that do not include specific ESG goals within their objectives.